Beauty benefits of oiling your belly button with Nabhira | Anahata Organic

The belly button is more than just a little spot on your navel; it is actually a chamber that has the answer to a number of cosmetic issues. The belly button is connected to several veins in the body, and when it is fed with oil, it also aids in the resolution of some health issues. You will benefit from using any oil or carrier you choose, whether it's coconut, mustard, or rosemary.

Cleans up dirt

Cleaning the belly button eliminates the dirt and germs that have accumulated there and keeps the area around the navel and stomach clear of any potential issues.

Cleanses the skin

You should frequently massage and oil your belly button if you want a glowing face and healthier skin texture. By rubbing oil on your belly button, you can clear your body of pollutants and blemishes and purify your blood. Neem oil, rosehip oil, coconut oil, or lemon essential oil are some examples of medicinal oils that can be used.

Sops up dark lips

Your lips will become lighter and less chapped if you apply coconut oil on your belly button every night before bed.

Ancient Indian scientific texts recognize the belly buttons as a vital energy point and nerve center. Nabhira is a therapeutic navel oil made with neem, pure ghee, lemon, coconut and almond. This blend lubricates the internal mechanism of the body. It improves skin health, boosts metabolism, detoxifies the blood and provides a holistic approach to wellbeing.


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